Survey URL

Pass data into the survey entry URL

Profile Data

In addition to updating profile data for a VPID via /update-user (see Update Panelist), panelist profiles can also be updated by passing the data into the survey URL (/survey-click) after the hsh param.

Profile data can be passed into separate URL params for each question where the param name is “q“ + the question_id and the value is the option_id as referenced in /lookup­-question-­by-­country. For example, when attempting to pass a response to the Gender profile question (question_id 3) as Male (option_id 1), it should be passed as q3=1.

Profile data for multi-select questions should be passed as comma-separated option_ids. For example, when attempting to pass a response to the Language profile question (question_id 20) as English (option_id 1) and Spanish (option_id 2), it should be passed as q20=1,2.

You can add as much profile data to the survey URL as you’d like.

Appending pass-through variables

You can pass whatever you wish to the end of the surveyurl, and we’ll return it upon survey completion in the following format:

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