Quota Structure

This description below explains how parent and child quotas work for available survey completes. The provided example JSON API response demonstrates the structure of parent and child quotas.


In the context of survey completes, quotas are used to manage and control the distribution of responses based on specific criteria or targeting conditions. Quotas ensure that a certain number of completes are obtained for each defined segment or qualification within a survey project.

Parent and child quotas are used when there is a hierarchical structure to the quotas. The parent quota represents the overall qualification and completion target for the project, while the child quotas define specific subsets within the parent quota. Both parent and child quotas can contain multiple targeting criteria.

Note: In some cases, a parent quota may not have any child quotas associated with it. This occurs when all the completes for the project are considered part of the parent quota itself. In such scenarios, there is no further breakdown of completes based on specific subsets or qualifications, and the parent quota encompasses all the available completes for the project.

The JSON API response contains information about the quotas for a survey project. Here is an example of the structure:

        "quotas": [
                "quota_id": 200112589,
                "parent_quota_id": 0,
                "calculation_type": 1,
                "sample_size": 10,
                "number_of_respondents": 10,
                "targeting_criteria": [
                        "question_id": 738,
                        "operator": "OR",
                        "precodes": [
                "quota_id": 200112590,
                "parent_quota_id": 200112589,
                "calculation_type": 1,
                "sample_size": 5,
                "number_of_respondents": 5,
                "targeting_criteria": [
                        "question_id": 738,
                        "operator": "OR",
                        "precodes": [
                "quota_id": 200112591,
                "parent_quota_id": 200112589,
                "calculation_type": 1,
                "sample_size": 5,
                "number_of_respondents": 5,
                "targeting_criteria": [
                        "question_id": 738,
                        "operator": "OR",
                        "precodes": [
                "quota_id": 198820452,
                "parent_quota_id": 0,
                "calculation_type": 1,
                "sample_size": 10,
                "number_of_respondents": 10,
                "targeting_criteria": [
                        "question_id": 3,
                        "operator": "OR",
                        "precodes": [
                "quota_id": 200114964,
                "parent_quota_id": 0,
                "calculation_type": 1,
                "sample_size": 10,
                "number_of_respondents": 10,
                "targeting_criteria": [
                        "question_id": 1,
                        "operator": "OR",
                        "precodes": [
                        "question_id": 473,
                        "operator": "OR",
                        "precodes": [
                "quota_id": 200114965,
                "parent_quota_id": 200114964,
                "calculation_type": 1,
                "sample_size": 5,
                "number_of_respondents": 5,
                "targeting_criteria": [
                        "question_id": 473,
                        "operator": "OR",
                        "precodes": [
                "quota_id": 200114966,
                "parent_quota_id": 200114964,
                "calculation_type": 1,
                "sample_size": 5,
                "number_of_respondents": 5,
                "targeting_criteria": [
                        "question_id": 473,
                        "operator": "OR",
                        "precodes": [

Parent Quota

The parent quota represents the main qualification and completion target for the survey project. It provides an overall view of the available completes and targeting criteria. A parent quota is identified by the parent_quota_id value of 0 in the API response.

Here are the properties of a parent quota:

  • quota_id: A unique identifier for the parent quota.

  • parent_quota_id: Always 0 for the parent quota.

  • calculation_type: Indicates the method used to calculate the number of respondents. The value 1 represents a standard calculation method of complete.

  • sample_size: The desired total number of respondents for the parent quota.

  • number_of_respondents: The total number of allowed responses that remain from the sample_size.

  • targeting_criteria: An array of qualification criteria that respondents must meet to be eligible for the parent quota.

Child Quotas

Child quotas represent specific subsets or qualifications within the parent quota. They inherit the targeting criteria from the parent quota and have their own completion targets. Please note, the sum of the children quotas may not equal the parent quota. In that case, the total quota is actually the sum of the children quotas.

Here are the properties of a child quota:

  • quota_id: A unique identifier for the child quota.

  • parent_quota_id: The quota_id of the parent quota to which the child quota belongs.

  • calculation_type: Indicates the method used to calculate the number of respondents. The value 1 represents a standard calculation method of complete.

  • sample_size: The desired total number of respondents for the child quota.

  • number_of_respondents: The total number of allowed responses that remain from the sample_size.

  • targeting_criteria: An array of qualification criteria that respondents must meet to be eligible for the child quota.

Understanding the Example

  1. Parent Quotas:

    • Parent Quota 1 (quota_id: 200112589):

      • Sample size: 10

      • Number of respondents: 10

      • Qualification criteria: Respondents who have answered either option "1" or "2" for question 738.

    • Parent Quota 2 (quota_id: 198820452):

      • Sample size: 10

      • Number of respondents: 10

      • Qualification criteria: Respondents who have answered either option "1" or "2" for question 3.

    • Parent Quota 3 (quota_id: 200114964):

      • Sample size: 10

      • Number of respondents: 10

      • Qualification criteria: Respondents who have answered options "22", "23", "24", "25", "18", "19", "20", or "21" for question 1, or options "1" or "4" for question 473.

  2. Child Quotas:

    • Child Quotas under Parent Quota 1 (quota_id: 200112590 and quota_id: 200112591):

      • These quotas target subsets within Parent Quota 1 based on the responses to question 738.

    • Child Quotas under Parent Quota 3 (quota_id: 200114965 and quota_id: 200114966):

      • These quotas target subsets within Parent Quota 3 based on the responses to question 473.

  3. Matching Requirements:

    • To match a panelist to a parent quota:

      • At least one parent quota must be matched.

      • Closed parent quotas (where number_of_respondents or sample_size is 0) should not be matched.

    • To match a panelist to a child quota:

      • If child quotas exist for a parent quota, all child quotas that are matched must have number_of_respondents and sample_size is 0 greater than 0.

      • Closed child quotas (where number_of_respondents or sample_size is 0) should not be matched.

    • If there are no parent quotas (all quotas have parent_quota_id of 0):

      • All quotas should be treated as child quotas.

Overall, to match a panelist to these quotas, the panelist's responses to the specified questions must align with the targeting criteria of the quotas, and the quotas must not be closed. At least one parent quota must be matched. If there are no parent quotas, all quotas should be treated as child quotas. See more on the Quota Matching Requirements page.

Last updated