Getting Started

Implementation Notes

This API must be used server 2 server and not from the client-side (given that the API calls contain secret credentials).

The user agent and IP address in the ‘/get-surveys-for-user’ call should be that of the user, as these parameters are used for targeting purposes.

Staging Credentials:

The following credentials are for accessing the Prodege staging environment for testing purposes only. They will not give you access to production data. Your Prodege representative will provide you with production credentials once your integration has been verified (see Staging Integration Test section below).

Staging API Key


Staging Secret Key


Base URL for API Requests to Staging Environment

Base URL for API Requests to Production Environment

Staging Integration Test

The process for handing off production credentials involves first validating your integration in staging by completing the following steps:

  1. Register a panelist with demographic information using /register-user or via survey click into a survey returned by /get-surveys-for-vendor.

  2. Click into a survey returned by /get-surveys-for-user or /get-surveys-for-vendor.

Once you've completed these steps, please contact and provide the registered VPID and Project ID of the survey click. We'll then provide you with your production credentials and instructions on next steps.

Last updated