Survey URL

The following parameters can be appended to the entry link (surveyurl) after the hsh variable prior to sending a panelist into the survey.

Vendor Panelist ID (vpid)


The vpid param represents the panelist’s unique ID in your system. The vpid does not need to be registered via the Register Panelist API (/register-user) prior to the survey entry when sending panelists into a surveyurl obtained via the Get All Surveys API. They will be registered once the panelist is sent into their first survey.

When the vpid has not yet been registered or has not yet clicked into a survey, it is recommended that profile data (see below) be passed into the surveyurl so that the panelist can be better matched with surveys in the future.

Country ID (country_id)


The country_id param represents the country of the panelist. The available country IDs can be looked up via the Lookup All Supported Countries API.

It is important to ensure that the country of the panelist matches the country of the survey proper to sending the panelist into the survey.

Profile Data

In addition to updating profile data for a VPID via /update-user (see Update Panelist), panelist profiles can also be updated by passing the data into the surveyurl.

Profile data can be passed into separate URL params for each question where the param name is “q“ + the question_id and the value is the option_id as referenced by Lookup Questions By CountryID.

For example, when attempting to pass a response to the Gender profile question (question_id 3) as Male (option_id 1), it should be passed as q3=1.

Profile data for multi-select questions should be passed as comma-separated option_ids. For example, when attempting to pass a response to the Language profile question (question_id 20) as English (option_id 1) and Spanish (option_id 2), it should be passed as q20=1,2.,2

You can add as much profile data to the survey URL as you’d like.

Pass-Through Variables

You can pass whatever you wish to the end of the surveyurl, and we’ll return it upon survey completion in the following format:

Signature (signature)


A signature must be appended to the end of the surveyurl that is generated based on the same signing method as all other API requests (see Request Signing). The signature should include ALL params in the surveyurl, including optional params such as profile data and passthrough params.

Last updated